Thursday, April 26, 2012

Video card compatibility?

My computer model is an Acer Aspire E380, and I'm currently running 4g of ddr2 ram, 250W power supply. I would like to know if this card

...would work in my machine. And If not maybe some suggestions as to what would work and come close to that?|||Your power supply is pretty weak. You might need to upgrade your power supply to get a video card like that working.|||You can install the GPU, but make sure your case is big enough to provide it (size-wise) and that you got enough cooling for it. Of what I can see the case is a standard mid-tower with 1 front intake and and 1 exhaust fan. Help yourself and keep temperatures notified with NvTempLogger:… (Program to tell temperatures on nvidia based GPUs).

Also, you wanna consider upgrading PSU. A smooth quality 400-450W will easily handle your system. Look at Corsairs VX450:|||If you're looking to upgrade your graphics card, you're going to need a new power supply to prevent issues with system instability. Try to get some money together for at least a 400W power supply, and that card would work wonders. Otherwise, a lighter weight card… could work out for you, but 250W is so low, even that might be pushing the limits. Good luck

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